The Department of Defence is the largest property and facilities owner in Australia, and works with companies such as WGA to manage, develop and maintain the estate necessary to defend Australia and its national interests.
WGA has a strong focus on delivering infrastructure projects for Defence and Defence industry, with experience across a range of procurement and delivery types unique to Defence.
WGA is a member of the current Defence Instructure Panel for Infrastructure Engineering Assessment services. Security of our people and resources is important not only at a national level but also at a local level. Both the public and private sector have a vested interest in keeping people, equipment and information safe. We have people with the requisite skills and experience to advise on processes, policies, procedures, facilities and infrastructure aimed at keeping people safe at work or play.
In 2018 it was announced that the Australian Space Agency would be based in Adelaide. We identified that our specialist engineering expertise in heavy lifting, structural, civil, industrial, and electrical and instrumentation would be highly sought after in this sector. We have since been involved in three space-related projects in SA out of our Adelaide head office. These projects involved both managing and designing a series of works which required use of our specialist engineering services. Based on our extensive experience in the Defence sector and our understanding of Federal Government requirements, we are able to address the compliance requirements of a National Space Agency. We are excited to continue to expand our presence in the space sector as it grows across Australia.
Our team has extensive experience in the following areas of the Defence & Space sector:
- Specialised Defence facilities including space launch structures and supporting facilities
- Project management and contract administration
- Sensitive compartmented information facilities (SCIF Allied specialist design)
- Airfield and heavy vehicle pavement design
- Accommodation
- Heritage design
- Capability development planning and analysis
- Risk assessment and management
- Infrastructure engineering assessments
- Specialised training facilities