WGA has detailed understanding of the unique design issues within marine environments, including materials durability, wave actions, ship berthing /mooring forces, tidal effects and construction difficulties commonly associated with construction over the water and in remote locations.
Our team of maritime specialists have skills and experience in undertaking coastal and marine infrastructure assessments / design and environmental management planning.
Our team has extensive experience in the following areas of the Maritime service:
- Design of maritime and coastal infrastructure, including:
- Jetties and wharves
- Berthing and mooring dolphins
- Access gangways
- Load-out facilities
- Ship-lifts, slipways and boat cradles
- Dry docks and locks
- Aids to navigation
- Seawalls and breakwaters
- Boat ramps, marinas and recreational facilities
- Barge and pontoon design and modifications
- Hardstand / pavement design
- Berthing analyses and mooring studies
- Coastal engineering including assessment of coastal processes and design of coastal protection (seawall, breakwaters and groynes)
- Wave studies and determination of wave loads
- Port planning and channel design
- Facilitate environmental approvals process and studies
- Design of temporary works for marine constructions including piling frames, barge modifications, temporary access systems, pile cradles, framework
- Design and assessment of port materials handling solutions
- Dredging assessments and regulatory approvals
- Demolition engineering for maritime facilities
- Structural capacity assessment of existing maritime structures
- Condition surveys, asset management, corrosion studies and maintenance plans.