WGA was engaged by Onslow Marine Support Base Pty Ltd to act as Superintendent for the design and construction of a new marine support base at Onslow. Completed in September 2017, the base makes Onslow a true hub servicing both onshore and offshore activities. The project works were completed by Maritime Constructions and included dredging of a berthing pocket and turning basin, along with the construction of a 200m wharf face, a landing barge ramp, a heavy lift pad and a laydown area reclaimed using the dredged materials and an engineered pavement. Buildings housing administration and amenities facilities were also constructed. As design engineers, WGA was responsible for the maritime structures and civil works (pavement and stormwater), and used in-house geotechnical advice for optimisation of the wharf retaining wall structure. WGA also undertook temporary works design for pile driving frames, concrete formwork systems and adjacent wharf capacity assessments for lifting the dredge barge (approx. 80t lift). WGA has also designed an upgrade and extension of the Harbour Approach Channel which will extend 2.5km north to provide safe, navigable access for the offshore supply vessels. This stage of the works is the first Australian project to receive funding from the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility.