We’re thrilled to announce that our stormwater management strategy at Springwood Development was named the winner for excellence in strategic and master planning in the Stormwater SA Awards. The project involved managing stormwater runoff from the new 1200 lot Springwood urban estate on greenfield land at Gawler East. The emphasis of the strategy is focused towards the projection and enhancement of the identified high value biodiversity, ecological and habitat areas within the land parcel, combining integrated stormwater management with environmental protection.
Judges noted that “Springwood stormwater management strategy sought not just to address the stormwater generated by the new development, but to contribute to the rehabilitation of a degraded site with challenging topography and sensitive remnant ecosystems.”
It’s great to see the Stormwater SA Awards still going ahead with one award per day being announced via email, maintaining the excitement. Congratulations to all other recipients, we look forward to celebrating with you when the ceremony is rescheduled!