Here at WGA, we encourage our team to pursue projects that benefit our communities and contribute to the well-being of others. We are actively aware of the drastic effects climate change is creating and are proud to be in a position where we can help countries develop their response to the water security and scarcity crisis.
Bob Bower, WGA's Principal Hydrologist, recently returned from a trip to Jordan, one of the world's most water-scarce countries. In 2017, Jordan was ranked the second poorest for accessible renewable water resources, with only 100m3 per capita.
Bob's technical support for the not-for-profit Mercy Corps has been to help them develop a training guide designed to upskill their field staff's technical capabilities. This will help them develop community-based solutions to restoring and protecting groundwater supplies.
Bob is also working with Mercy Corps Engineering team on two rural, community-based water projects in southern Jordan. These two groundwater replenishment programmes differ with the first focused on restoring wadi spring flows in a hyper-desert environment. The second uses recharge and recovery techniques to target a deeper, heavily exploited sandstone aquifer system on which a local village depends.