Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.

Championing initiatives like International Women’s Day isn’t just a symbolic gesture; It drives tangible progress towards creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered.

This year’s theme, “Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress,” resonates deeply with us, as we acknowledge the ongoing challenges women face in achieving equal participation in our industry.

At WGA, we have paid attention to the conversations around us, and while we won’t claim to be the best (and we have work to do on our gender pay gap), we have made progress in the last year with more initiatives underway.

Here’s what we have done in the last 12 months:

  • Expanded Parental Leave: From 8 to 14 weeks, for both male and female employees.
  • Introduced Superannuation on Unpaid Parental Leave.
  • Launched Women of WGA: An employee-led resource group – dedicated to supporting and empowering female employees.
  • Received Work180 Endorsement as an employer of choice for women.
  • A new suite of Leadership Training to support career progression and improve gender parity in leadership positions.
  • Gender Neutral Language across all recruitment.
  • More emphasis on Flexible Work Arrangements.


2% increase in female employees over the past year and are committed to further diversifying our workforce

Our female staff consistently show the highest levels of engagement, alignment, and interest, according to our internal data. They also report feeling most optimistic about their work-life balance based on employee engagement surveys.

These are just some of the initiatives we’ve implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace at WGA! While some progress has been made, we recognise that achieving true equality for future generations requires continuous effort from all of us.

WGA: we are committed.