Alice Springs - Stuart Highway Duplication from the MVR Office to Herbert Heritage Drive

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: Alice Springs - Stuart Highway Duplication from the MVR Office to Herbert Heritage Drive

The upgrade of 2km of Stuart Highway in Alice Springs involved duplication of the existing highway from two lanes to a four-lane road. It included the upgrade of at least seven intersections, formalisation of a number of private accesses and improvements to the drainage system, street lighting and landscaping. WGA’s services included:

  • Detailed survey and service location 
  • Traffic counts and traffic assessment/modelling
  • Parking and transport study including on-road and off road shared paths
  • Concept cost estimate.
  • Preparation of Project Development Report.

The Alice Springs - Stuart Highway Duplication from the MVR Office to Herbert Heritage Drive is included in the following sectors & services.
Click on one to find out more about that sector or service.

