Badgingarra Wind Farm

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: Badgingarra Wind Farm

WGA completed the structural and civil design, including construction support for the Badgingarra Wind Farm project in Western Australia for CATCON. The project is a 130MW wind farm consisting of 37 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) and included approximately 40km’s of access roads.

The structural component involved design and documentation of the WTG reinforced gravity foundations, including in-depth fatigue assessment, and design of the grout pocket to withstand extreme loading from the tower anchor plate.

The civil component involved the design of access roads, hardstand areas around each WTG, upgrades to existing road intersections and all associated drainage requirements.

In addition to the above, WGA completed the structural and civil design for an Operations and Maintenance facility on the site which consisted of concrete foundations and slab with steel framed construction.

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