The Project
Maintaining green spaces and vegetation canopy within city centres (the built environs area) is critical to meeting minimum social, health, and liveability requirements and to mitigating adverse conditions within the built environs such as urban heat island impacts. Over 70% of the city's public open space irrigation water is sourced from groundwater, with most coming from a single bore.
Technical Solutions
WGA completed a detailed study of the available options to meet the City of Perth’s expected water demand of 1.3 GL/a to maintain public open spaces and community amenities. Alternative water supplies are not only required to provide flexibility in the water supply system but additional volumes are required to meet future water requirements in response to the decline in the groundwater resource, climate change; and expansion of green areas across the city.
A review of available water sources was carried out, with the following water supply options considered:
- Sewer mining
- Desalination
- Urban stormwater runoff harvesting from major drains e.g. Mounts Bay Drain and the Claisebrook Drain
- Treated wastewater from existing treatment facilities e.g. Subiaco Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).
Client Focus
Key findings from the study identified that an adaptive management framework should be developed because drivers will emerge in the future rendering one or more or a combination of the presented options more attractive than others.
The City of Perth Water Supply Options is included in the following sectors & services.
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