During the COVID-19 pandemic, Department of Defence funding allocated for the Delamere Air Weapons Range Redevelopment to support the new EA-18G Growler airborne electronic attack aircraft was brought forward as a stimulus to the Northern Territory economy.
The Delamere Air Weapons Range Stimulus Works consisted of $117 million worth of works at the Range, including the delivery of over 8.0km of sealed road, 30km of unsealed road, 18km of four-wheel-drive tracks and nine vehicle turning pads, three equipment mobile emitter system mound hardstands, stormwater drainage improvements that included 17 flood ways, fencing and firebreaks, and demolition of redundant infrastructure.
The Department of Defence engaged Indigenous contractors, Tiwi Partners to deliver the design and construct contract. Tiwi Partners then engaged WGA to undertake engineering design for the works.
Successful completion of this magnitude of works in a very remote location in under 12 months is unprecedented. The team, which included WGA engineers, ended up delivering additional scope within the original program. We were able to achieve this and deliver a high-quality product, on time and to budget whilst managing personnel safety and logistical requirements.
Ultimately, the delivery of the Delamere Stimulus Works project exceeded and outperformed the expectations of the project sponsor and is considered a resounding success.
Image Credit: Department of Defence
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