The Project
The District Council of Mt Barker (DCMB) is one of the key growth areas of outer Adelaide.
The Council faces a significant challenge over the next ten years to cater for the load increases that its Community Wastewater Management Systems (CWMS) are likely to experience.
Technical Solutions
To assist Council in the future management of its CWMS assets, WGA staff were involved in the development of an effluent strategy, designed to ensure zero release of effluent to Mt Barker Creek by 2020.
The 2020 Effluent Strategy formed the basis for a range of projects undertaken by WGA, including:
- WWTP Upgrade
- Construction of the Brown Dam treated Wastewater Storage Lagoon
- Upgrade of the Bald Hills Road treated Effluent Transfer Main
- The Mt Barker to Hillgrove Mine Pipeline
- The Hillgrove Mine to Callington Pipeline
- Tertiary Treatment Plant (UV plus Chlorine disinfection)
- Preparation of the Recycled Water Risk Management Plan, and oversight of required approvals to supply Log 5 recycled water for unrestricted irrigation and use for mining activities at Hillgrove.
The District Council of Mt Barker CWMS is included in the following sectors & services.
Click on one to find out more about that sector or service.