Findon Road

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: Findon Road

WGA lead the Civil Design team, in the design delivery of:

  • Removing the existing Roundabout at Ferres Boulevard / The Lakes Boulevard / Findon Road intersection.
  • Traffic signal upgrade, street lighting works and all other works to convert the existing roundabout at Findon Road intersection into a fully signalised intersection.
  • Widening the approaches on Findon Road, Ferres Boulevard and The Lakes Boulevard intersection.
  • Installation of on-road bicycle lanes.

 Our role on this project was to develop the detailed design, and together with our subconsultants provide key input on all disciplines. This intersection, which is currently a roundabout, required the development of full signalised intersection with significant consideration of large number of constraints, e.g. right of way, services and existing bridge 

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