City of Wyndham engaged WGA to undertake the widening and sealing of 1.6km of existing unsealed road between Aviation Road and Tamworth Grove. Our works included the Aviation Road intersection upgrade, safe systems implementation for existing roadside hazards, stormwater system upgrade, road sealing and widening and bridge strengthening.
As part of the design development, WGA were required to undertake the detailed traffic analysis and concept development of the Aviation Road / Hacketts Road intersection. A number of concept design were presented to Council, highlighting the key considerations of existing utilities in the vicinity, together with any other infrastructure impacts which would significantly impact the end construction costs. Once the most appropriate layout was selected, WGA then proceeded to take the project through to detailed design and tender documentation.
A significant constraint relating to road widening was the existing bridge over the ‘D1’ drain. The existing width of this bridge limited the ability to widen the carriageway through this area, with the original proposal being to replace this structure altogether. WGA worked closely with Council to develop an innovative design which not only strengthened the bridge to the current Bridge Requirements, but also utilised the existing structure to ‘cantilever’ the deck slab, allowing the full and safe carriageway width to be maintained. This also allowed the full reconstruction of all barriers, which in their existing state were a combination of dilapidated and non-existent. While developing the design, WGA maintained a keen focus on the constructability of the design, ultimately resulting in positive feedback from the contractor on the final design solution.
Overall, WGA’ work allowed Council to deliver a project which now provides;
- A safer journey from the south of Point Cook.
- Work as an alternative route for those looking to avoid the Duncans Road interchange.
- Improved travel time.
- Improved road safety for drivers.
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