Industry Leading Snapback Event Predictions

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Industry Leading Snapback Event Predictions Image

The Project

Snapback events occur when vessel mooring lines snap and retract violently, posing serious safety hazards, including possible fatalities and severe damage to berths. To effectively manage and mitigate these risks, our maritime engineers accurately predict the trajectory of these snapback events across different berthing scenarios to explore varying tides and vessel size.

Technical Solutions

Setting a new best practice industry standards, WGA developed an analytical methodology to predict snapback paths. Using finite element analysis software to simulate line breakages for multiple berthing configurations, our engineers generated detailed data of the Cartesian coordinates and velocities of rope sections, which were then converted into 3D visualisations.

To manage the data, our data analytics team developed custom Python scripts to automate and streamline this modelling workflow, to enable over 19,000 scenarios to be modelled and visualised.

This groundbreaking solution offered a detailed dataset that improved the client’s insight into mooring line snapback risks in various berthing scenarios. WGA made the 3D files accessible on standard hardware devices achieving a 99.9% file size reduction while retaining an accurate representation of the snapback region at risk.

Client Focus

The 3D models offered the client a clear visualisation of potential snapback zones, facilitating more informed risk analysis. This innovative approach was made possible through a collaborative effort between the client and WGA’s Data Analytics, Drafting, and Maritime teams. This project not only advances the industry’s capabilities in risk prediction but also reinforces WGA’s commitment to improving safety standards within the maritime sector.

Our innovative approach was acknowledged with an industry award for innovation, underscoring its importance. This recognition illustrates WGA’s dedication to leading the way in developing capabilities that enhance safety and streamline workflows.

Rio Tinto Innovation Award 2024

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