Karel Avenue Upgrade

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: Karel Avenue Upgrade

Forming part of the State and Commonwealth Government $2.3 billion package for infrastructure improvements, Karel Avenue in metropolitan Perth is now completed.

Since the project’s inception in 2019, WGA has been working as the principal designer alongside local contractor, Georgiou Group for Main Roads WA. Delivering part of a Design and Construction contract, the upgrade will not only improve traffic congestion but accommodate future developments around Karel Avenue.

The upgrade included widening of the existing Karel Ave bridge over Roe Highway, the full replacement of the Karel Ave bridge over the railway and the extension of the existing pedestrian shared path underpass.

In order to reduce traffic disruptions during construction works, our team successfully implemented engineering solutions for the design of the new bridges to reduce road and rail traffic disruptions.

The Karel Avenue Upgrade is included in the following sectors & services.
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