The Project
WGA assisted BHP to develop a procedure for removal and reinstatement of two rail beams with depth 2500mm and 1500mm. The beams provide support for the wagons tipping the ore in the crusher at level 64L.
Technical Solutions
WGA carried out the structural design for the new reinforced concrete in which the two new beams will be embedded and the wear liners protecting the concrete from abrasion.
WGA utilised its heavy lifting and rigging expertise together with point cloud laser scans of the mine surface to generate a 3D methodology of lifting and the manoeuvring of the new beams into their final position within the mines highly restricted space. WGA provided specialist engineering advice on site during the entire process and repair.
Client Focus
The lifting and rigging solution successfully moved the large beams from their delivery point to the final installed position with ease and, together with the concrete repair design, enabled BHP to complete the critical task within the planned shutdown timeframe and return to normal operation without delay. BHP now know they have a fit for purpose asset well into the future.
The Olympic Dam Underground 64L Dump Station Rail Beams Replacement is included in the following sectors & services.
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