Oz Minerals Underground Dewatering System as Building

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: Oz Minerals Underground Dewatering System as Building

The Project

WGA provided engineering and drafting services to OZ Minerals for the creation of Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) and General Arrangement Drawings (GAs) to reflect the recently installed Underground Dewatering System Pump skid stations. The pump stations are connected in series, sending water via rising mains interconnecting three underground levels, and ultimately reporting to new sediment dams on the surface.

Technical Solutions

A site visit was undertaken to generate as-built records of the pump and piping network in person. The first hand witnessing of the installation aids the design team with generating deliverables that reflect orientations / layouts / colloquialisms that only become apparent from being on site.

Client Focus

The generation of the deliverables aids the client by ensuring that critical infrastructure is clearly documented, allowing maintenance to appropriately plan activities and assign spares.

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