Port Keats Rd Upgrade - Yellow Creek Crossing

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: Port Keats Rd Upgrade - Yellow Creek Crossing

The project involved the upgrading of the first 3.2km of Port Keats Road to improve its flood immunity and provide better access to the communities, farms and mining operations to the west of Daly River in the NT. The upgrades involved raising the road level, sealing and construction of two 30m-long bridges. WGA undertook the following services across two stages:

  • Stage 1 – Concept Design and Documentation for Yellow Creek Crossing and Saddle Rail Crossing
    • Survey and geotechnical investigation briefs for 14km of Port Keats Rd 
    • Preparation of a geotechnical interpretive report for the two bridges in Yellow Creek and 1 bridge in Saddle Rail Crossing.
    • Concept design including hydrologic/hydraulic modelling, vertical/horizontal alignment design, provision of preliminary details and cost estimates for a number of upgrade design options for 14km of road and 3 bridges.
  • Stage 2 – Detailed Design and Documentation of Yellow Creek Crossing
    • Detailed design and documentation for the proposed upgrade of 3.2 km of road and two bridges.

The Port Keats Rd Upgrade - Yellow Creek Crossing is included in the following sectors & services.
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