South Melbourne Primary School

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Photo: South Melbourne Primary School

Victoria's South Melbourne Primary School (SMPS) was named Future Project of the Year at the World Architecture Festival 2016 held in Berlin – the world’s largest global architectural awards program and festival. SMPS won the Education – Future Projects category, and went on to be selected the overall winner.

The new school is a part of the wider Fisherman’s Bend Urban Renewal Area – one of the largest urban renewal projects in the world. WGA has been engaged to provide structural and civil services for the 5000m² school site and is working with the City of Port Phillip to deliver streetscape and public realm works for the adjoining Ferrars Street Education and Community Precinct. The ‘vertical’ five-storey concept was selected to maximise space on this compact inner urban site.

As well as a government primary school for 525 students, the project includes an Early Learning Centre, administration and community rooms, and indoor and outdoor multi-purpose sports courts.

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