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Brett Sinclair Hydrogeology Specialist

Brett is a Principal Hydrogeologist with over 30 years’ experience in hydrogeology, geology, water management, water quality assessment and environmental effects mitigation.

Brett specialises in the evaluation, utilisation, management and protection of groundwater and groundwater-dependent surface water resources.  He has worked internationally as a consultant and independent contractor, based in New Zealand, Australia and Germany.  In addition, he has undertaken field hydrogeology investigations in Indonesia, Fiji and China.

Brett has managed and undertaken numerous groundwater investigations for the supply of water for human consumption and horticultural, agricultural and industrial purposes.  Over the past ten years, Brett has worked on the pre-feasibility assessment, modelling, consenting, design, construction, commissioning, monitoring, optimisation and evaluation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) projects.

He is highly experienced in the field of mine water management with a focus on minimising environmental impacts during operations and long-term site rehabilitation.  He is engaged as an independent reviewer of mine water management and closure plans against International Finance Corporation 2012 and local regulatory standards.

Brett provides specialist hydrogeological support for geotechnical assessments of mine wall stability, deep basement construction and major civil infrastructure projects.  Since 2014 he has undertaken numerous peer reviews of applications for site dewatering and infrastructure construction projects on behalf of regulatory authorities.

Brett’s project experience includes:

  • Oreti Managed  Aquifer Recharge Feasibility Study and Consenting, Southland, New Zealand.
  • Central Hawkes Bay Managed Aquifer Recharge Pre-Feasibility Study, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
  • Coronation North Mine Extension, Groundwater Assessment, Otago, New Zealand.
  • Innes Mills West Mine, Groundwater Assessment, Otago, New Zealand.
  • Frasers West Mine, Groundwater Assessment, Otago, New Zealand.
  • Golden Point Underground Mine, Groundwater Assessment, Otago, New Zealand.
  • City of Salisbury, ASR Systems Numerical Modelling, Waterproofing the North, SA, Australia.
  • Northern Adelaide Plains Irrigation Scheme, ASR Systems Numerical Modelling, SA, Australia.
  • Mungi North, Coal Seam Gas Water Reinjection Modelling, QLD, Australia.
  • Central Interceptor Tunnel, Design Stage Hydrogeological Peer Reviewer, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Macraes Gold Project, Receiving Water Sulfate Assessment, Otago, New Zealand.
  • Macraes Gold Project, Receiving Water Nitrate Assessment, Otago, New Zealand.
  • Nambeelup Aquifer Storage and Recovery Numerical Modelling, WA, Australia.

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