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Emma Hendy Stormwater Technical Lead

As a Civil & Environmental Engineer, Emma brings a wealth of over 12 years’ national and international working to the WGA team. Commencing with civil design in Australia, Emma worked for 18 months before taking the opportunity to move to the United Kingdom to work as a Civil Engineer. During her 2-year tenure, Emma gained valuable experience in civil design and drainage, working with different standards, regulations and very old infrastructure.

Emma’s expertise in Civil and Environmental Engineering extends to a broad range of projects from residential to commercial and industrial civil design projects, undertaking the design of stormwater drainage, flood studies, alternate water supply assessment, Integrated Water Management (IWM) , road design, streetscape design and master planning.

Fuelled by her interest in Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Integrated Water Management (IWM), Emma travelled to Tanzania in 2013 as part of the Team Vista Challenge, where she worked with the community to construct a rainwater harvesting system for a school. Furthering her passion for sustainable design solutions, Emma subsequently travelled to China in 2016 as part of the WGA team working on the ‘Sponge Cities’ projects which integrate water sensitive design to urban environments. Although a relatively short time on site (2 weeks – with subsequent follow up from Australia) Emma quickly gained an appreciation for the necessity of good communication, understanding different work structures and timeframes, and site related challenges.

Emma’s overseas placements have proven to be an important foundation for her design capability and have given her a greater understanding of the necessity to being adaptive to the availability of materials, trades and diverse design standards, regulations and applications.

Closely aligning with her firm belief that Integrated Water Management and sustainable design solutions are critically important, Emma sites The Urban Stormwater Harvesting Options Study (USHOS) and Waterproofing the East as two of her pinnacle projects. Emma investigated and delivered innovative and sustainable water resource management solutions for these projects and is passionate that consideration of water resources for all future works is critically important.

Emma is a Stormwater Victoria Executive Committee Member (Secretary) and after completing the 2016 IWC Leadership Program also belongs to the International Water Centre Alumni. In addition she continues to support Team Vista and their work in Tanzania.

Emma’s project experience includes:

  • Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Integrated Water Management (IWM) – Victoria and South Australia
  • Water Supply Options Investigations and Feasibility Assessments
  • Rainwater Harvesting System, Tanzania, East Africa
  • ‘Sponge Cities’ (Integrate Water Management) Projects , China

Contact Emma
