Beachport Boat Ramp and Marina Basin

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The project

Originally constructed in 2004, the Beachport boat ramp facility in South Australia underwent significant modifications in 2014 to the breakwater, with a larger marina basin created (an extension to the outer breakwater) and an extra boat ramp lane added.

The boat ramp faced constant challenges due to relentless sand accumulation. User demand also consistently outstripped the ramp’s design capacity. This challenged maintenance budgets available for the facility, and Wattle Range Council sought advice from WGA to investigate options for reducing the cost of future maintenance activities.

Technical Solutions

Collaborating with the local Council, WGA provided solutions and procurement strategies to minimise the ongoing maintenance costs for the facility. This included a trial using locally sourced mobile cranes and dragflow pumps to prove that the sand could be successfully pumped to adjacent beaches for nourishment and to reinstate the sediment transport processes for adjacent coastline.

The trial led to a more permanent solution using small dredging contractors to periodically return for managed dredging campaigns.

Client Focus

Effective community consultation was a key element to this project. WGA presented at open community forums, including Q&A sessions with the local community to address concerns and mitigate impact in a timely manner.

The trial proved that there were significant benefits in amenity to adjacent coastal areas compared to previous methods with excavators and trucks, minimising environmental impact to beach users.

Key Personnel

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