Mandorah Marine Facility

WGA AU | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Mandorah Marine Facility Image

The Project

In 2020, the Northern Territory Government (NTG) announced a plan for a new marine facility at Mandorah to better service the existing ferry service between Mandorah and the City of Darwin and create recreational boating opportunities for residents and visitors of the Cox Peninsula.

The new facility involved the development of a new boat harbour to enable safe ferry berthing and recreational boat launching, a floating passenger terminal with Disability Discrimination Act compliant gangway access and designated boat trailer parking.

Technical Solutions

WGA partnered with marine contractor SMC Marine to develop a design aimed to optimise the quantity of construction materials needed, maximise weather protection to the ferry berth and achieve best value for money for NTG. The design utilises the natural geology and geometry of the intertidal rock shelf to position the harbour and construct the rock armour breakwaters.

Following award of the $63 million design and construction contract, based on this design, WGA was appointed as lead designer. The design scope included design of navigation channels and swing basins, rock breakwaters, ferry terminal pontoon and gangways, public boat ramp, dredging and onshore civil works. Various specialist coastal studies were undertaken to guide the design development, including coastal process studies, vessel simulations, under keel clearance studies and physical modelling.

Client Focus

WGA developed a cost-effective design that allowed the project to be delivered in accordance with NTG’s project budgets. In addition, the design facilitated the completion of all marine works within one dry season, and thereby significantly reducing the construction risks.

Key Personnel

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